Well,I took it from Miss Loo's blog.. Its really a nice post and it touched me a lot.. Hope all of u like it^^.. Always appreciate what u have..
离婚酒店~ 他和她结婚整整10年了,夫妻间已经没有任何冲动与情趣,他越来越觉得自己对她几乎就是一种程式与义务,他开始厌烦起了她,尤其是单位新调进了一个年轻活 泼的女孩,对他发起了疯狂的进攻,他突然觉得她是自己的第二春,经过再三考虑,他决定和她离婚。她似乎也麻木了,很平静地答应了他,两个人一起走进了民政 部门。 手续办得很顺利,出门后,两个人已经是各自独立的自由人了,不知为什么,他心里突然有种空落落的感觉,他看了看她:“天已经晚了,一起去吃点饭吧。” 她看了看他:“好吧,听说新开了一家'离婚酒店',专门执行离婚夫妇的最后一顿晚餐,要不咱们到那儿去看看。” 他点了点头,两人一前一后默默地走进了离婚酒店。 “先生女士晚上好。”二人在包厢刚坐下,服务小姐便走了进来,“请问两位想吃点儿什么?” 他看了看她:“你点吧。” 她摇了摇头:“我不常出来,不太清楚这些,还是你点吧。” “对不起先生女士,我们离婚酒店有个规矩,这顿饭必须要由女士点先生平时最爱吃的菜,由先生点女士平时最爱吃的菜,这叫'最后的记忆'。” “那好吧,”她理了理头发,“清蒸鱼、溜蘑菇、拌木耳,记住,都不要放葱姜蒜,我先生……这位先生他不吃这些。” “先生呢?”服务小姐看了看他。他愣住了。结婚10年,他真的不知道老婆喜欢吃什么。他张着嘴,尴尬地愣在了那儿。 “就这些吧,其实这是我们两个人都爱吃的。”她连忙打起了圆场。 服务小姐笑了笑:“说实话,到我们离婚酒店来吃这最后一顿晚餐,所有的先生和女士其实都吃不下去什么,所以这'最后的记忆'咱们还是不要吃了吧。就喝我 们酒店特意为所有离婚人士准备的晚餐——冷饮吧,这也是所有来的人都不拒绝的选择。”她与她都点了点头:“那就来冷饮吧。” 很快,服务小姐送来了两份冷饮,两份饮料中一份淡蓝一片,全是冰渣;一份满杯红润,冒着热气。 “这份晚餐名叫'一半是火焰,一半是海水',两位慢用。”服务小姐介绍完退了下去。 包房里静悄悄的,两个人相对而坐,一时竟不知道该说什么好。 “笃笃笃!”轻轻一阵敲门声,服务小姐走了近来,托盘里托着一枝鲜艳的红玫瑰:“先生,还记得您第一次给这位女士送花的情景吗?现在一切都结束了,夫妻不 成就当朋友,朋友要好聚好散,最后为女士送朵玫瑰吧。” 她浑身一抖,眼前又浮现出了10年前他给她送花的情景,那时,他们刚刚来到这座举目无亲的省城,什么都没有,一切从零开始。白天,他们四处找工作,努力 拼搏;晚上, 为了增加收入,她去晚市出小摊,他去给人家刷盘子。很晚很晚,他们才一起回到租住在地下室里那不足10平米的小屋。日子很苦,可他们却很幸福。到省城的第 一个情人节 那天,他为自己买了第一朵红玫瑰,她幸福得流下了眼泪。10年了,一切都好起来了,可两个人却走向了分离。她想着想着,泪水盈满了双眼,她摆了摆手说: “不用了。” 他也想起了过去的10年,他这才记起,自己已经有五六年没有给她买过一枝玫瑰了。他摆了摆手:“不,要买。” 服务小姐却拿起了玫瑰,“刷刷”两下撕成了两半,分别扔进了两个人的饮料杯里,玫瑰竟然溶解在了饮料里。 “这是我们酒店特意用糯米制成的红玫瑰,也是送给你们的第三道菜,名叫'映景的美丽'。先生女士慢用,有什么需要直接叫我。”服务小姐说完,转身走了出 去。 “XX,我……”他一把握住她的手,有些说不出话来。 她抽了抽手,没有抽动,便不再动弹。两个人静静地对视着,什么也说不出来。 “啪!”突然,灯熄了,整个包房里漆黑一片,外面警铃大作,一股烟味儿飘了进来。 “怎么了?”两个人急忙站了起来。 “店起火了,大家马上从安全通道走!快!”外面,有人声嘶力竭地喊了起来。 “老公!”她一下扑进了他的怀里,“我怕!” “别怕!”他紧紧搂住她,“亲爱的,有我呢。走,往外冲!” 包厢外面灯光通明,秩序井然,什么都没有发生。 服务小姐走了过来:“对不起,先生女士,让两位受惊了。酒店并没有失火,烟味儿也是特意往包房里放的一点点,这是我们的第四道菜,名叫'内心的选择'。 请回包厢。” 他和她回到了包厢,灯光依旧。他一把拉她:“亲爱的,服务小姐说得对,刚才那才是你我内心真正的选择。其实,我们谁都离不开谁,明天咱们重新结婚吧?” 她咬了咬嘴唇:“你愿意吗?” “我愿意,我现在什么都明白了,明天一早咱就去办结婚。小姐,买单。”他说着喊了起来。 服务小姐走了近来,递给两人一人一张精致的红色清单:“先生女士好,这是两位的帐单,也是本酒店的最后一道赠品,名叫'永远的帐单',请两位永远保存 吧。"他看着帐单,眼泪淌了下来。 “你怎么了?”她连忙问道。 他把帐单递给了她:“亲爱的,我错了,我对不起你。” 她打开帐单一看,只见上面写着: 一个温暖的家; 两只操劳的手; 三更不熄等您归家的灯; 四季注意身体的叮嘱; 无微不至的关怀; 六旬婆母的微笑; 起早贪黑对孩子的照顾; 八方维护您的威信; 九下厨房为了您爱吃的一道菜; 十年为您逝去的青春…… 这就是您的妻子。 “老公,您辛苦了,这些年也是我冷漠了你。”她也把自己的那份帐单递给了他。他打开帐单,只见上面写着: 一个男人的责任; 两肩挑起的重担; 三更半夜的劳累; 四处奔波的匆忙; 无法倾诉的委屈; 留在脸上的沧桑; 七姑八姨的义务; 八上八下的波折; 九优一疵的凡人; 时时对家对子的真情…… 这就是您的丈夫。 两个人抱在一起,放声痛哭。 结完帐,他和她对经理千恩万谢,手牵手走回了家。看者他们幸福的背影,经理微笑着点了点头:“真幸福,我们离婚酒店又挽救了一个家!
p/s: Miss loo, pinjam kejap har.. Hehe..
Monday, December 21, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
True colours...
Issh!! Geramnya!! Recently, I only found out the true colors of some of my frens aka "BELOVED" fren through this time incident.. Finally i saw clearly bout their true face n all... ZZZ.. Ppl can do anything just to save money and abandon friendship...
Hey, for those who're so selfish, do u all know tat what u're doing will make someone hurts???!!! Mayb on the appearance she looks nothing, but inside her heart, she's bleeding!!!! This is wad frens call!!! She treat u all so nice but wad have u done to her??
If u have no money, just tell it out!! Don have to make a big round and explain some rubbish to me and say its not a money matter!! But at the back, U tell ppl that u don have money and u plan to save this save that...
Hey, its her birthday okay??!!! Its only a little amount of money and i don understand why u cant fullfill her wish and need to be so calculative about!! U're making things complicated!! For now, money mayb important, but in the future, u'll found out that u lost a lot of thing because of u attitude....
Hey, for those who're so selfish, do u all know tat what u're doing will make someone hurts???!!! Mayb on the appearance she looks nothing, but inside her heart, she's bleeding!!!! This is wad frens call!!! She treat u all so nice but wad have u done to her??
If u have no money, just tell it out!! Don have to make a big round and explain some rubbish to me and say its not a money matter!! But at the back, U tell ppl that u don have money and u plan to save this save that...
Hey, its her birthday okay??!!! Its only a little amount of money and i don understand why u cant fullfill her wish and need to be so calculative about!! U're making things complicated!! For now, money mayb important, but in the future, u'll found out that u lost a lot of thing because of u attitude....
Thursday, October 29, 2009
I don believe tat i'm really a capricorn girl before reading this... Haha.. Its too accurate and perfect!!!^^
年 轻的魔羯都是很单纯的,我想他们也不会知道自己将从天使变成恶魔,魔羯座的人天生善良,感情也都很脆弱,也许会因为一些很小的事情难过很长时间,所以他们 通常在表面表现的酷酷的与事隔离的样子,其实他们只是不希望让别人看到他脆弱的一面,坚强,理智,承受是魔羯的代名词,他们并不是很随便的表达自己所想, 他们希望了解身边所有人的性格,并不是因为好奇,好象只是因为一种安全感,为了保护自己魔羯生出了一种特殊能力。
魔羯相对 任何星座来比能在最段时间看出一个人的性格无论他们在如何隐藏,这点很像天蝎但是他们却看不出对方的心,他们很容易就会了解到他们身边每一个人的优缺点, 但是他们通常不会说出来,也不会太介意,所有的魔羯都很包容对方请记得,如果有一只魔羯指出你的缺点那一定是友善的,虽然他们会用一种讽刺的口气来指出.
所有魔羯都拥有2个性格,只是大部分魔羯都不愿意去接受,因为他们希望自己永远的傻傻的活下去,魔羯的坏可以媲美过所有星 座,也许他们不相信,但是随着时间的积累魔羯的人在慢慢变坏,其实这也是一种自我保护,他们需要知道了解自己最后的一张王牌,做不做就看对方是否达到让魔 羯抱负的地步了,这并不是在表扬,似乎用阴险可以形容,当魔羯讨厌一个人的时候那就是一种绝对,魔羯不会随便讨厌一个人,但是如果哪个人做的太过分,这个 人会从魔羯心底彻底抹杀,如果这个人激怒了魔羯,呵呵那么这个人就只能等着灾难的降临。
魔羯是个比较城府的人,他们不 会表面去得罪了,但是他们会计划着让这个人知道他所做的事情将会给自己带来多大的回报,魔羯的报复手段极其残忍,他会加倍的还给你,(如果你有一天遭受到 摸名的灾难那么你去想想你在什么时候得罪了魔羯)魔羯并不会随便的去加害一个人,因为魔羯也讨厌自己的坏,他们是天才的杀手,一切的一切从很早以前就做好 计划,而且这些计划在没有事件出现前他们就在考虑如何完美并无破绽的进行报复计划,也许这些和他的悲观有些联系,魔羯的人很了解世界,但他们固执的相信美 好尽管自己知道那是不可能的,大部分魔羯都讨厌坏坏的自己,当然想抛弃自己是不可能的。
魔羯的人都很没有安全感,他们喜欢在任何人面前装傻,这可不是一般的装傻能力,魔羯人聪明就在于这点,他们认为只有傻子在会不牵扯到任何伤害,与其做一 个聪明的人不如当一个傻子平凡而又随意,如果不是值得魔羯相信的朋友魔羯永远不会让对方知道自己会有智慧,而无论安全与不安全魔羯对朋友都很真,他们很珍 惜些朋友。
他们最希望获得朋友的信任,如果从一个朋友那里得不到信任,他不会再与这个朋友交往下去.和魔羯接触过的人都会认为他们脾气很 好,好的似乎发傻,其实他们并不是脾气好,只是他们很会装,因为他们了解身边的朋友的所有性格,所以他们在包容对方,就算你做了什么过分的事,他们也早就 想考虑好如果对方为什么会这样做,最明显一点,你们可以去看看身边魔羯的朋友,无论你怎么做那些魔羯都不会很惊讶的,其实他们已经知道你为什么会这样了. 魔羯的交友观也很随便,他们可能会和贵族很好,也可能会和乞丐聊天,一切的一切只是心灵的交往,很少有魔羯会有势力眼,除非你这个人品太差了。
魔羯的人傻的可以,他们并不了解爱情,但是他们只知道爱的感觉,对于他们任何感情的表达都是一种感觉,他们很认真的感受每一个感觉,大部分感觉都可以一 个人去感觉,最失败的爱却要两个人,傻傻的魔羯一开始会认为,爱你是我自己的事情和你没关系,可是到后来越来越感觉不是滋味,于是开始对对方表白,表白成 功后却不知道如何走下一步,也许是太不浪漫在作祟,魔羯的人可能会拿任何事情开玩笑,但是在爱情方面只要他说出'我爱你'或者话题谈到将来结婚,那么他绝 对不是在开玩笑,魔羯很物质,但是这点和金牛处女不一样,他们的物质表现在爱上,他们认为给所爱的人带来无限的物质的就是最大的幸福,因为他们很自卑,唯 一能用自己努力获得来的就只有物质了。
追求: 魔羯的追求是认真的,只要对方不让魔羯认为完全没有机会,魔羯就会像疯子一样的追求着,他们其实对自己非常没有信心,唯一的动力只是相信自己在爱着,为了对的起自己的感情,为了认真的去爱一回.
被追求: 魔羯对于不喜欢的人不会给予任何机会,魔羯的人很善良,而且他们知道长痛不如短痛的道理,如果魔羯勉强接受了你,那也是出于一种同情心,但是 交往没几天他们就开始内疚,他们认为怜悯的爱对追求者来说是一种伤害,他们会尽量的躲避并且对追求者很冷淡追求者尽量的让追求者开始讨厌她/他.如果追求 者不理解的话,放心最长不超过一年,魔羯会很理智的告诉你别在联系了,她/他会消失的无影无纵.
拒绝: 如果魔羯真的爱了就不会去拒绝你,永远不会.
被拒绝: 魔羯比任何一个星座对感情都很认真,恢复伤痕的时间也很长,他们会选择消失,这样对你对他都有好处,因为他怕多看你一眼而又再次无法自拔 他怕再多看你一眼 心如刀割 ...
年 轻的魔羯都是很单纯的,我想他们也不会知道自己将从天使变成恶魔,魔羯座的人天生善良,感情也都很脆弱,也许会因为一些很小的事情难过很长时间,所以他们 通常在表面表现的酷酷的与事隔离的样子,其实他们只是不希望让别人看到他脆弱的一面,坚强,理智,承受是魔羯的代名词,他们并不是很随便的表达自己所想, 他们希望了解身边所有人的性格,并不是因为好奇,好象只是因为一种安全感,为了保护自己魔羯生出了一种特殊能力。
魔羯相对 任何星座来比能在最段时间看出一个人的性格无论他们在如何隐藏,这点很像天蝎但是他们却看不出对方的心,他们很容易就会了解到他们身边每一个人的优缺点, 但是他们通常不会说出来,也不会太介意,所有的魔羯都很包容对方请记得,如果有一只魔羯指出你的缺点那一定是友善的,虽然他们会用一种讽刺的口气来指出.
所有魔羯都拥有2个性格,只是大部分魔羯都不愿意去接受,因为他们希望自己永远的傻傻的活下去,魔羯的坏可以媲美过所有星 座,也许他们不相信,但是随着时间的积累魔羯的人在慢慢变坏,其实这也是一种自我保护,他们需要知道了解自己最后的一张王牌,做不做就看对方是否达到让魔 羯抱负的地步了,这并不是在表扬,似乎用阴险可以形容,当魔羯讨厌一个人的时候那就是一种绝对,魔羯不会随便讨厌一个人,但是如果哪个人做的太过分,这个 人会从魔羯心底彻底抹杀,如果这个人激怒了魔羯,呵呵那么这个人就只能等着灾难的降临。
魔羯是个比较城府的人,他们不 会表面去得罪了,但是他们会计划着让这个人知道他所做的事情将会给自己带来多大的回报,魔羯的报复手段极其残忍,他会加倍的还给你,(如果你有一天遭受到 摸名的灾难那么你去想想你在什么时候得罪了魔羯)魔羯并不会随便的去加害一个人,因为魔羯也讨厌自己的坏,他们是天才的杀手,一切的一切从很早以前就做好 计划,而且这些计划在没有事件出现前他们就在考虑如何完美并无破绽的进行报复计划,也许这些和他的悲观有些联系,魔羯的人很了解世界,但他们固执的相信美 好尽管自己知道那是不可能的,大部分魔羯都讨厌坏坏的自己,当然想抛弃自己是不可能的。
魔羯的人都很没有安全感,他们喜欢在任何人面前装傻,这可不是一般的装傻能力,魔羯人聪明就在于这点,他们认为只有傻子在会不牵扯到任何伤害,与其做一 个聪明的人不如当一个傻子平凡而又随意,如果不是值得魔羯相信的朋友魔羯永远不会让对方知道自己会有智慧,而无论安全与不安全魔羯对朋友都很真,他们很珍 惜些朋友。
他们最希望获得朋友的信任,如果从一个朋友那里得不到信任,他不会再与这个朋友交往下去.和魔羯接触过的人都会认为他们脾气很 好,好的似乎发傻,其实他们并不是脾气好,只是他们很会装,因为他们了解身边的朋友的所有性格,所以他们在包容对方,就算你做了什么过分的事,他们也早就 想考虑好如果对方为什么会这样做,最明显一点,你们可以去看看身边魔羯的朋友,无论你怎么做那些魔羯都不会很惊讶的,其实他们已经知道你为什么会这样了. 魔羯的交友观也很随便,他们可能会和贵族很好,也可能会和乞丐聊天,一切的一切只是心灵的交往,很少有魔羯会有势力眼,除非你这个人品太差了。
魔羯的人傻的可以,他们并不了解爱情,但是他们只知道爱的感觉,对于他们任何感情的表达都是一种感觉,他们很认真的感受每一个感觉,大部分感觉都可以一 个人去感觉,最失败的爱却要两个人,傻傻的魔羯一开始会认为,爱你是我自己的事情和你没关系,可是到后来越来越感觉不是滋味,于是开始对对方表白,表白成 功后却不知道如何走下一步,也许是太不浪漫在作祟,魔羯的人可能会拿任何事情开玩笑,但是在爱情方面只要他说出'我爱你'或者话题谈到将来结婚,那么他绝 对不是在开玩笑,魔羯很物质,但是这点和金牛处女不一样,他们的物质表现在爱上,他们认为给所爱的人带来无限的物质的就是最大的幸福,因为他们很自卑,唯 一能用自己努力获得来的就只有物质了。
追求: 魔羯的追求是认真的,只要对方不让魔羯认为完全没有机会,魔羯就会像疯子一样的追求着,他们其实对自己非常没有信心,唯一的动力只是相信自己在爱着,为了对的起自己的感情,为了认真的去爱一回.
被追求: 魔羯对于不喜欢的人不会给予任何机会,魔羯的人很善良,而且他们知道长痛不如短痛的道理,如果魔羯勉强接受了你,那也是出于一种同情心,但是 交往没几天他们就开始内疚,他们认为怜悯的爱对追求者来说是一种伤害,他们会尽量的躲避并且对追求者很冷淡追求者尽量的让追求者开始讨厌她/他.如果追求 者不理解的话,放心最长不超过一年,魔羯会很理智的告诉你别在联系了,她/他会消失的无影无纵.
拒绝: 如果魔羯真的爱了就不会去拒绝你,永远不会.
被拒绝: 魔羯比任何一个星座对感情都很认真,恢复伤痕的时间也很长,他们会选择消失,这样对你对他都有好处,因为他怕多看你一眼而又再次无法自拔 他怕再多看你一眼 心如刀割 ...
Monday, October 26, 2009
Meaningful article...
Saw this in an email!! Wow.. Most of it is really true.. Haha... so i decided to PINJAM to post on my blog.. Hehe.. Hope all guys and girls will see this post and learn how to communicate better^^
Friday, October 16, 2009
The storm is over... Mayb there's still some distance or i should say, a lot of difference on our thinking... Nevertheless, i hope we can understand each other more and more in the future... I don't wanna lose u because of this small matter..
I'm glad that u're willing to listen to my feelings and keen to protect me in the future.. I just wanna to be myself in front of u n I wish u can do the same too.. I love u...

p/s: Now u understand y?? ^^
I'm glad that u're willing to listen to my feelings and keen to protect me in the future.. I just wanna to be myself in front of u n I wish u can do the same too.. I love u...

p/s: Now u understand y?? ^^
No title....
I'm suffering.... and Struggling.... What shud i do? I'm really tired of this... Really tired...
If i couldn't express my most basic emotion and thinking in front of u.. Den it is meaningless that we become couple...
Forget about the sadness today and before, Can i do it? I'm wondering...
Tomorrow is a new day? I don believe it....
If i couldn't express my most basic emotion and thinking in front of u.. Den it is meaningless that we become couple...
Forget about the sadness today and before, Can i do it? I'm wondering...
Tomorrow is a new day? I don believe it....
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Damn It !!
So damn damn damn angry today!! Angry!!! Don let me know who is the person who stolen my dear's laptop, if not, i will chop him into pieces!!
This morning, my dear and his roommate went for his last paper.. EASA paper.. Last paper people!! Shud be happy bcos they stressed so much for this exam, den laptop got stolen... REally sucks!!
Our college oso, Ppl, if u'are in Nilai University College, or plan to study here, DON!! The security here really sucks man.. SO many laptop being stolen edi, but the college still do nothing about it.. I really hope someone can sue the college for their negligence.. Our college, only know how to earn money, Charge high fees and all stuffs.. But never care about the student!! I really regret for studying in this college..
For the one who breaks into my dear's room, I curse u forever!! When u steal ppl's thing, do u ever think that u'll pay for the crime u did one day??!! I hope the day will reach soon!! And if u're so poor to steal ppl's thing, then wad for u come studying in this college?? U shud stay beside the road, and just be a beggar!! An educated ppl will not do all these things!! U'll pay for all the sin u've done one day!!
For the gurad, Are u all blind or wad?? I know mayb u all are PUASA-ing, but doesnt mean that u cannot do things well.. All of u edi puasa for so long and don tell me that u still cant get use to it?! And there has been so many cases of stealing and u're doing nothing!!! Den wad for the college pay u to become SECURITY guard??!! Or mayb U're the one who stolen the laptops??
For the college, don Just think of earning money from student ok? If u cant secure that we'll be safe in the college, den DON provide accommodation in college!! What a stupid system.. Mayb is the college worker who stolen it but u all still dont know!! Please be smart!! Not only check the Student but check ur workers too!! Damn it!!!
p/s : Don be too sad my dear... Every thing that happen has a reason behind it.. And good things will come soon.. Every cloud has a silver lining... cheers^^
This morning, my dear and his roommate went for his last paper.. EASA paper.. Last paper people!! Shud be happy bcos they stressed so much for this exam, den laptop got stolen... REally sucks!!
Our college oso, Ppl, if u'are in Nilai University College, or plan to study here, DON!! The security here really sucks man.. SO many laptop being stolen edi, but the college still do nothing about it.. I really hope someone can sue the college for their negligence.. Our college, only know how to earn money, Charge high fees and all stuffs.. But never care about the student!! I really regret for studying in this college..
For the one who breaks into my dear's room, I curse u forever!! When u steal ppl's thing, do u ever think that u'll pay for the crime u did one day??!! I hope the day will reach soon!! And if u're so poor to steal ppl's thing, then wad for u come studying in this college?? U shud stay beside the road, and just be a beggar!! An educated ppl will not do all these things!! U'll pay for all the sin u've done one day!!
For the gurad, Are u all blind or wad?? I know mayb u all are PUASA-ing, but doesnt mean that u cannot do things well.. All of u edi puasa for so long and don tell me that u still cant get use to it?! And there has been so many cases of stealing and u're doing nothing!!! Den wad for the college pay u to become SECURITY guard??!! Or mayb U're the one who stolen the laptops??
For the college, don Just think of earning money from student ok? If u cant secure that we'll be safe in the college, den DON provide accommodation in college!! What a stupid system.. Mayb is the college worker who stolen it but u all still dont know!! Please be smart!! Not only check the Student but check ur workers too!! Damn it!!!
p/s : Don be too sad my dear... Every thing that happen has a reason behind it.. And good things will come soon.. Every cloud has a silver lining... cheers^^
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Tagged by Jaccqueln..
個 人 題 - 10 題~
01) 你叫什么:Tan Chie Shiun
02) 你的綽號:Shiun, Dirty Cat, Smallest mei mei... Watever ppl feel like calling me..
03) 你的血型:Dunno wo...
04) 你的星座:Capricorn
05) 你是男還是女:Off course i'm Female
06) 你幾歲:18++ [2009]
07) 你住哪裡: Klang
08) 你現在的學校 : Nilai International University College
09) 你有沒有手機 : Yes
10) Contact list 有多少个人:Never count before...
朋 友 題 - 10 題~
11) 你最要好的朋友(限1個): Ms Loo, Ms Yvonne...
12) 你最討厭的人(限1個): 讨厌人很累,所以没有
情 題 - 10 題~
21) 你有沒有喜歡的人:Yes
24) 到目前為止,你跟多少人告白過:0
5) 到目前為止,你被多少人告白過:Erm, bout 10++ gua...
26) 到目前為止,你交過多少個男/女朋友:1
27) 現在有另一半嗎: Sure..
28) 你最好的同性朋友跟你告白你會怎樣: impossible, she edi have a bf >.<
29) 你初戀情人突然跟你告白你會接受嗎 : Erm, dunno, wait i pat tor for 2nd time 1st, Hehe..
30) 你為什麼會喜歡你現在喜歡的人: 喜欢一个人需要理由吗?
31) 你和另一半牽手過嗎: sure
32) 你和另一半抱或親過嗎: Sure
33) 你跟異性牽手過嗎: Yup
34) 是誰,你們什麼關係?:My fren, lose when playing 大冒险。。
35) 現在有人在追你嗎:no wo...
混 合 題 - 10 題~
36) 如果有天,好朋友離你而去,你會怎樣: Very Sad...
37) 如果有天,好朋友背叛你,你會:See the reasons why she do that to me 1st..
38) 如果有天,好朋友對你喜新厭舊了,你會:Hmm.. Den its fated.. I cant control their mind..
39) 如果你很受不了你的父母,你會離家出走嗎: Never, cos they treat me very well..
40) 你上課認真嗎 :Erm.... Hehe
41) 你功課好不好:not bad..
42) 你开电腦都在幹麻: surf net, assignments, facebook, msn, drama...
43) 你的即时通有多少个同性:a lot
44) 你的即時通裡有多少個異性:almost the same as same gender lo..
兇 手 題 - 10 題~
45) 傳給你這份問卷的人是谁: Ms Jaccqueln Lee!!
46) 这個人對你好不好:Good!
47) 這個人是你的誰:my fren
48) 你有喜歡過這個人吗? :Sure! She so cute.. haha..
49) 你們認識多久了:1 year?
51) 這個人是怎樣的人:Appearance: Cute, Character: Blur blur.. Haha..
52) 这个人正/帥嗎:Leng lui le.. especially when she smile..
53) 這個人跟你有沒有在一起过:................ I don like female.. Wakakaka...
54) 萬一你喜歡這個人,你會怎麼办:Impossible thing!!
聯 想 題 - 10 ~
56) 說到正妹你會想到誰: Everybody tat i feel is leng lui.. hehe..
57) 說到帥哥你會想到誰: Hmm.. My bf mayb?? Wakakaka... Still every guy i think is leng zhai lo...
58) 說到憨你會想到誰: My self.. Wakaka...
59) 說到痴你會想到誰:No idea..
60) 說到暗戀你會想到誰: Those ppl that i like in the past lo.. haha..
61) 說到出去玩你會想到誰:My family, my 38 family gang, 5s5 gang, best fren and off course my dear...
62) 說到聰明鬼你會想到誰:Miss wai san
63) 說到傻子你會想到誰:The one who always do cute cute things.. hehe..
64) 說到笑點低你會想到誰:Miss mei peng!!
65) 說到愛笑你會想到誰:Miss Jaccqueln.. Hehe..
學 校 題 - 11 題~
66) 你的班導是誰: --
67) 你的座位是第幾排第幾個: --
68) 你最喜歡的老師是誰: My add maths tuition teacher, and my parents^^
70) 你的英文好嗎: Quite ok, But still can be improved..
71) 你的體育好嗎: Not really.. haha
72) 你的数学好么: Ok ok lo
73) 你喜不喜歡你的校長: My headmaster ar? Dunno who also, but my college management can reflect wad kind of ppl is he/her..
74) 你的學校好看嗎: Sure.. Like kampung.. N like forest oso.. hahaha
75) 你的班級是:--
76) 你的班級在幾樓:--
2. 請老實的回答每一個問題。
3. 不行擅自塗改題目。
4. 點完後請通知那10位朋友他被點到了。
Ppl that i tag: 1) Miss Lim soo pei!!!
2) Miss Tan Mei Peng!!
3) Miss Angel Wan yee!!
4) Mr Day Gan!!
5) Miss Loo (if u dowan see chinese den dunid answer la.. Keke...)
6) Miss Yvonne Voo..
01) 你叫什么:Tan Chie Shiun
02) 你的綽號:Shiun, Dirty Cat, Smallest mei mei... Watever ppl feel like calling me..
03) 你的血型:Dunno wo...
04) 你的星座:Capricorn
05) 你是男還是女:Off course i'm Female
06) 你幾歲:18++ [2009]
07) 你住哪裡: Klang
08) 你現在的學校 : Nilai International University College
09) 你有沒有手機 : Yes
10) Contact list 有多少个人:Never count before...
朋 友 題 - 10 題~
11) 你最要好的朋友(限1個): Ms Loo, Ms Yvonne...
12) 你最討厭的人(限1個): 讨厌人很累,所以没有
情 題 - 10 題~
21) 你有沒有喜歡的人:Yes
24) 到目前為止,你跟多少人告白過:0
5) 到目前為止,你被多少人告白過:Erm, bout 10++ gua...
26) 到目前為止,你交過多少個男/女朋友:1
27) 現在有另一半嗎: Sure..
28) 你最好的同性朋友跟你告白你會怎樣: impossible, she edi have a bf >.<
29) 你初戀情人突然跟你告白你會接受嗎 : Erm, dunno, wait i pat tor for 2nd time 1st, Hehe..
30) 你為什麼會喜歡你現在喜歡的人: 喜欢一个人需要理由吗?
31) 你和另一半牽手過嗎: sure
32) 你和另一半抱或親過嗎: Sure
33) 你跟異性牽手過嗎: Yup
34) 是誰,你們什麼關係?:My fren, lose when playing 大冒险。。
35) 現在有人在追你嗎:no wo...
混 合 題 - 10 題~
36) 如果有天,好朋友離你而去,你會怎樣: Very Sad...
37) 如果有天,好朋友背叛你,你會:See the reasons why she do that to me 1st..
38) 如果有天,好朋友對你喜新厭舊了,你會:Hmm.. Den its fated.. I cant control their mind..
39) 如果你很受不了你的父母,你會離家出走嗎: Never, cos they treat me very well..
40) 你上課認真嗎 :Erm.... Hehe
41) 你功課好不好:not bad..
42) 你开电腦都在幹麻: surf net, assignments, facebook, msn, drama...
43) 你的即时通有多少个同性:a lot
44) 你的即時通裡有多少個異性:almost the same as same gender lo..
兇 手 題 - 10 題~
45) 傳給你這份問卷的人是谁: Ms Jaccqueln Lee!!
46) 这個人對你好不好:Good!
47) 這個人是你的誰:my fren
48) 你有喜歡過這個人吗? :Sure! She so cute.. haha..
49) 你們認識多久了:1 year?
51) 這個人是怎樣的人:Appearance: Cute, Character: Blur blur.. Haha..
52) 这个人正/帥嗎:Leng lui le.. especially when she smile..
53) 這個人跟你有沒有在一起过:................ I don like female.. Wakakaka...
54) 萬一你喜歡這個人,你會怎麼办:Impossible thing!!
聯 想 題 - 10 ~
56) 說到正妹你會想到誰: Everybody tat i feel is leng lui.. hehe..
57) 說到帥哥你會想到誰: Hmm.. My bf mayb?? Wakakaka... Still every guy i think is leng zhai lo...
58) 說到憨你會想到誰: My self.. Wakaka...
59) 說到痴你會想到誰:No idea..
60) 說到暗戀你會想到誰: Those ppl that i like in the past lo.. haha..
61) 說到出去玩你會想到誰:My family, my 38 family gang, 5s5 gang, best fren and off course my dear...
62) 說到聰明鬼你會想到誰:Miss wai san
63) 說到傻子你會想到誰:The one who always do cute cute things.. hehe..
64) 說到笑點低你會想到誰:Miss mei peng!!
65) 說到愛笑你會想到誰:Miss Jaccqueln.. Hehe..
學 校 題 - 11 題~
66) 你的班導是誰: --
67) 你的座位是第幾排第幾個: --
68) 你最喜歡的老師是誰: My add maths tuition teacher, and my parents^^
70) 你的英文好嗎: Quite ok, But still can be improved..
71) 你的體育好嗎: Not really.. haha
72) 你的数学好么: Ok ok lo
73) 你喜不喜歡你的校長: My headmaster ar? Dunno who also, but my college management can reflect wad kind of ppl is he/her..
74) 你的學校好看嗎: Sure.. Like kampung.. N like forest oso.. hahaha
75) 你的班級是:--
76) 你的班級在幾樓:--
You've been tagged !!!
1. 被點到必填,不填代表你不尊重傳給你的人和問卷。2. 請老實的回答每一個問題。
3. 不行擅自塗改題目。
4. 點完後請通知那10位朋友他被點到了。
Ppl that i tag: 1) Miss Lim soo pei!!!
2) Miss Tan Mei Peng!!
3) Miss Angel Wan yee!!
4) Mr Day Gan!!
5) Miss Loo (if u dowan see chinese den dunid answer la.. Keke...)
6) Miss Yvonne Voo..
Monday, August 17, 2009
Mayb all girls shud go n read this book, Act like a lady, Think like a man... so that we don have to suffer so much in a relationship...
In a relationship, girls are always the one who care for their bf, and is the bf who come 1st in their mind no matter what they do.. So, girls will sacrifice more in their relationship.. To care bout this care bout that...
However, guys doesn't think so... It is up to ur problem whether u wanna do this or do that, think this or think that.. they never truly care what our feelings are.. They will just think that we girls, always angry unreasonably and think too much..
And all stuffs that girls do for them, they'll never show appreciation (although they say guys really appreciate it, but they just didn't show it).. Yea although u appreciate it in ur heart but u never show it, the gal who sacrifice for u will also be tired 1 day... That's y many guys regret after they break up with the gf and regret that they never cherish them...
Recently, i as a girl, feel that i'm thinking a lot.. on our relationship... Its like no more "firesparks" between us... yea i admit that it is normal for couples, but i realise that we still don understand each other even after 1 year.. Its like a little tiring for me.. If guys doesn't care girls feelings, then why should we gals care? and why shud we be so serious in a relationship? But when gals think like this, guys start to angry pulak.. Really speechless...
Now, i hope someone will write a book Act like a man, think like a lady... Sometimes we're angry is not because we like it, it had reasons behind it and what we think has the reasons too!! So guys, don misunderstand us!! Hope that all guys will see our feelings and understand us too..
p/s: Do all girls think like me? Mayb all guys should see this post.. Hehe.. This post doesn't mean anything.. Just the thinking of mine..
In a relationship, girls are always the one who care for their bf, and is the bf who come 1st in their mind no matter what they do.. So, girls will sacrifice more in their relationship.. To care bout this care bout that...
However, guys doesn't think so... It is up to ur problem whether u wanna do this or do that, think this or think that.. they never truly care what our feelings are.. They will just think that we girls, always angry unreasonably and think too much..
And all stuffs that girls do for them, they'll never show appreciation (although they say guys really appreciate it, but they just didn't show it).. Yea although u appreciate it in ur heart but u never show it, the gal who sacrifice for u will also be tired 1 day... That's y many guys regret after they break up with the gf and regret that they never cherish them...
Recently, i as a girl, feel that i'm thinking a lot.. on our relationship... Its like no more "firesparks" between us... yea i admit that it is normal for couples, but i realise that we still don understand each other even after 1 year.. Its like a little tiring for me.. If guys doesn't care girls feelings, then why should we gals care? and why shud we be so serious in a relationship? But when gals think like this, guys start to angry pulak.. Really speechless...
Now, i hope someone will write a book Act like a man, think like a lady
p/s: Do all girls think like me? Mayb all guys should see this post.. Hehe.. This post doesn't mean anything.. Just the thinking of mine..
Monday, August 3, 2009
有意思吧。。 哈哈。。真的给我很大的觉悟叻。。
所以呀,梦想不是拿来拥有的,需要认真地实现!! 大家加油哦!!^^
有意思吧。。 哈哈。。真的给我很大的觉悟叻。。
所以呀,梦想不是拿来拥有的,需要认真地实现!! 大家加油哦!!^^
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Happy 13th month..
This blog is typed when i'm in Starbucks.. Hehe... 1st time to type it in star bucks..
Actually nothing.. Just wanna wish me n my dear dear.. happy 13th month!! Time really flies, I didn't realise that we had been spending time together for so long.. We do quarrel like other couples.. And sometimes i think that i've made him suffer so much.. But, we also have sweet moments together ^^... It will be the sweetest memory in my life.. Hehe...
Recently, many conflicts happened between us.. I feel that I, myself, began to lose confident in this relationship.. Nevertheless, i will try my best not to think so.. Because i know, I love him very very much.. And he does it 2... I believed that we can get over it...
So, just wanna tell u... I love U very Berry Much!!! Hehe.. SO we must sayang each other always k? Muacksssss....

p/s: I cant afford to lose u.. I love u...
Actually nothing.. Just wanna wish me n my dear dear.. happy 13th month!! Time really flies, I didn't realise that we had been spending time together for so long.. We do quarrel like other couples.. And sometimes i think that i've made him suffer so much.. But, we also have sweet moments together ^^... It will be the sweetest memory in my life.. Hehe...
Recently, many conflicts happened between us.. I feel that I, myself, began to lose confident in this relationship.. Nevertheless, i will try my best not to think so.. Because i know, I love him very very much.. And he does it 2... I believed that we can get over it...
So, just wanna tell u... I love U very Berry Much!!! Hehe.. SO we must sayang each other always k? Muacksssss....

p/s: I cant afford to lose u.. I love u...
Sunday, June 28, 2009
If motivation was easy, we’d all be successful... It is easy to fail but it is hard to be motivated... Failure is not a thing that we shud be embarrased for... In contrast, we shud thank it.. For making us mature, and be tough... Whenever we face failure, we learnt something from it so that we know how to handle the situation in the future...
Failure and bouncing back are elements of motivation. Failure is a learning tool. No one has ever succeeded at anything worthwhile without a string of failures.
Falling down is a motivation to make u stand up... Mayb u're not the best.. But if u've tried ur best... You're always the best!! Believe in urself and don give up easily ok? I trust u and u must always trust urself too...
We shud learn from out mistakes and don always stick to our past.. It has over and wad we can do is, work harder in the future... Dont be affraid to try again and always think positively.. You can do it!! Gambate!!
Failure and bouncing back are elements of motivation. Failure is a learning tool. No one has ever succeeded at anything worthwhile without a string of failures.
Falling down is a motivation to make u stand up... Mayb u're not the best.. But if u've tried ur best... You're always the best!! Believe in urself and don give up easily ok? I trust u and u must always trust urself too...
We shud learn from out mistakes and don always stick to our past.. It has over and wad we can do is, work harder in the future... Dont be affraid to try again and always think positively.. You can do it!! Gambate!!

Just wanna tell u....
Just wanna tell u that, i appreciate all the things you've done for me...
Just wanna tell u that, i hope to see a happy you everyday...
Just wanna tell u that, i hope u'll gimme a smile whenever u see me...
Just wanna tell u that, don stress urself too much...
Just wanna tell u that, pls be a little bit more patience with me sometimes...
Just wanna tell u that, pls hold my hand more frequently ^^...
Just wanna tell u that, pls believe in yrself...
Just wanna tell u that, pls tell me tat u love me more often :p...
Just wanna tell u that, thank you...
Just wanna tell u that, Happy 1 year anniversary...
Just wanna tell u that, you'll be my 1st and the last...
And lastly, Just wanna tell u that... I love u and i precious you... I'll always be at yr side.. To get u thru the day...

P/s: Hey.. You!! Hear wad i say??
Just wanna tell u that, i hope to see a happy you everyday...
Just wanna tell u that, i hope u'll gimme a smile whenever u see me...
Just wanna tell u that, don stress urself too much...
Just wanna tell u that, pls be a little bit more patience with me sometimes...
Just wanna tell u that, pls hold my hand more frequently ^^...
Just wanna tell u that, pls believe in yrself...
Just wanna tell u that, pls tell me tat u love me more often :p...
Just wanna tell u that, thank you...
Just wanna tell u that, Happy 1 year anniversary...
Just wanna tell u that, you'll be my 1st and the last...
And lastly, Just wanna tell u that... I love u and i precious you... I'll always be at yr side.. To get u thru the day...

P/s: Hey.. You!! Hear wad i say??
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Specially for Miss LOO..
Well, this post is specially written for my very very best fren, Miss LOO SUE ANN (After she forced me to do so... XD)..
Yea, thanks to her, I managed to get cheap clothes and cheap stuffs.. Haha.. That day was J-CARD day at Bukit Tinggi AEON. Thanks to her once again for fetching me there and sending me home.. Thanks my dear.. Haha...
Went to Blook 1st to see some cloths. And she bought 2 tops. I was like, Wow!!! Miss Loo, U already have enough clothes in ur wardrobe!! I nearly pengsan when seeing her wardrobe tat day.. Is like even u wear a new cloth each day, u cant finish wearing it in a year.. Haha...
However, i din stop her from buying la, cos she really looks nice in those cloths.. Haha.. then we went to get my swimming suit.. It is really damn cheap!!! RM20 for a pair of TRIUMPH swimming suit!! Sorry for letting u wait so long for me, sue ann...
well, i'm happy tat day because i managed to find Cheap clothes!! Everyone, if u wanna know where got discount and all, just call miss Loo.. She will tell u where is the nicest place and where is the place that have sales.. XD... Nway, Thank you my dear...
p/s: hope to see u next time...
Yea, thanks to her, I managed to get cheap clothes and cheap stuffs.. Haha.. That day was J-CARD day at Bukit Tinggi AEON. Thanks to her once again for fetching me there and sending me home.. Thanks my dear.. Haha...
Went to Blook 1st to see some cloths. And she bought 2 tops. I was like, Wow!!! Miss Loo, U already have enough clothes in ur wardrobe!! I nearly pengsan when seeing her wardrobe tat day.. Is like even u wear a new cloth each day, u cant finish wearing it in a year.. Haha...
However, i din stop her from buying la, cos she really looks nice in those cloths.. Haha.. then we went to get my swimming suit.. It is really damn cheap!!! RM20 for a pair of TRIUMPH swimming suit!! Sorry for letting u wait so long for me, sue ann...
well, i'm happy tat day because i managed to find Cheap clothes!! Everyone, if u wanna know where got discount and all, just call miss Loo.. She will tell u where is the nicest place and where is the place that have sales.. XD... Nway, Thank you my dear...
p/s: hope to see u next time...
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Oh my godness...

Went back to college to take my result.. It is unexpected.. I was stunned when seeing the results...
ENG 115- A
ENG 114- A-
STA 110- A
ACC 119- A-
I wonder whether the exam unit ppl count wrong or not... It's like OMG!!! How can i score so good grades while the grading system already change???!!! 90 marks n above to get an A people!! But, Thank god la.. I was the lucky wan.. Hehe.. Pray... Thanks the examiner and all my lecturers.. Thanks thanks thanks.. I love u all.. Hehe..
Thursday, May 7, 2009
My holiday....
Well... 3 weeks holiday for me before my degree starts... At 1st, i was very happy that i got a break for so long.. But now... Oh god!! Pls pls pls... let the time pass fast.. I'm going to die of boredness at home.. And i miss my college, my frens and off course, my lao gong zai.. I cant see him for a month.. Haiz.. Dear ar, must take good care of yr self n don fall sick lo..
Hmm.. Went out with sue ann and stay at her house in the 1st week of my holiday... I'm glad that both of us are okay now.. Hehe... U're right my dear.. We know how important of our friendship to each other... Needless to say, i am the LIGHT BULB again.. So sad...I wish my dear was there for me.. We went to times square n tty's college.. Well miss LOO, u called me to prevent u from buying things but u scold me bad pulak.. Sobsob... However, i enjoy a lot when going out with u.. Especially seeing yr face when we prevent u from buying things.. SO cute :p.. Hehe.. Don blame us la, just for ur own good.
At night, she helped me with my stuffs and we did some chit chating.. I am really happy as we didn't see each other for a long time.. N in August.. She's going to go overseas.. Take care my dear.. N miss me always... I will miss you.. Hehe... Although u didn't buy air ticket for me, I understand de.. But don play till forget my birthday ar...
Best Fren foreva...
p/s: saw yr blog and know u're admitted to hospital.. Pls recover soon.. And rest well..
Hmm.. Went out with sue ann and stay at her house in the 1st week of my holiday... I'm glad that both of us are okay now.. Hehe... U're right my dear.. We know how important of our friendship to each other... Needless to say, i am the LIGHT BULB again.. So sad...I wish my dear was there for me.. We went to times square n tty's college.. Well miss LOO, u called me to prevent u from buying things but u scold me bad pulak.. Sobsob... However, i enjoy a lot when going out with u.. Especially seeing yr face when we prevent u from buying things.. SO cute :p.. Hehe.. Don blame us la, just for ur own good.
At night, she helped me with my stuffs and we did some chit chating.. I am really happy as we didn't see each other for a long time.. N in August.. She's going to go overseas.. Take care my dear.. N miss me always... I will miss you.. Hehe... Although u didn't buy air ticket for me, I understand de.. But don play till forget my birthday ar...
p/s: saw yr blog and know u're admitted to hospital.. Pls recover soon.. And rest well..
Thursday, March 19, 2009
After thought...
well.. Just finish reading someone's blog and knew that she had been stressing for past few days.. weeks?.. or either month?.. I don't know... What i know was, I was not there for her..
hmm... we knew each other since primary schools.. Until we become friend, best friend, or even best best friend.. There's no secret between us.. that's what she say to me... But ppl are growing... When both of us went to defferent colloge, no more best best friend, when we didn't contact each other, no more best fren.. so now, we was Best best friend... For now, I can only know what is happening to her thru blog.. I don even dare to call her and ask her what happen...
I really miss her... The time when we talk thru phones... The time when we cry together, we went shopping together... But, It has passed... Only memory stays...
However, happy to know that she manage to get thru it... What i wanted to tell u is, relax my dear... and don't stress yrself too much... Sleep early and dont study until u fall asleep on yr book... Remember to go and see doctor whenever u're sick... I know i had repeated this for n times d... But i still hope u'll rmbr...
Hey girl, Be TOUGH!!! I will always support you!! Gambate^^
hmm... we knew each other since primary schools.. Until we become friend, best friend, or even best best friend.. There's no secret between us.. that's what she say to me... But ppl are growing... When both of us went to defferent colloge, no more best best friend, when we didn't contact each other, no more best fren.. so now, we was Best best friend... For now, I can only know what is happening to her thru blog.. I don even dare to call her and ask her what happen...
I really miss her... The time when we talk thru phones... The time when we cry together, we went shopping together... But, It has passed... Only memory stays...
However, happy to know that she manage to get thru it... What i wanted to tell u is, relax my dear... and don't stress yrself too much... Sleep early and dont study until u fall asleep on yr book... Remember to go and see doctor whenever u're sick... I know i had repeated this for n times d... But i still hope u'll rmbr...
Hey girl, Be TOUGH!!! I will always support you!! Gambate^^
Friday, February 27, 2009
I' tired of being tired...
Really cant take it anymore sometimes.... Dying...
Everyone say, we shud grow up.. bcos we'll bcum more mature... why? mature... so wad??
somebody change.. to face the fake society.. they have to force them to change themselves.. to bcum to same as the others...
i want to go back to the time.. when i was a little kid... no worries.. no stress... stick with daddy and mummy always.. and be myself... i dont know how long i have been wearing a mask to face other ppl..
yea.. friends come n go... i agree... but i still think we will always be best friend... Hope so...
I'm TIRED.... Everyone.. please leave me alone...
p/s: Best friend is.. no matter how u had changed.. they will still treat u as usual and stay beside u always... but it's really hard to find.. no matter how long is yr frenship... ya.. we both changed...
Really cant take it anymore sometimes.... Dying...
Everyone say, we shud grow up.. bcos we'll bcum more mature... why? mature... so wad??
somebody change.. to face the fake society.. they have to force them to change themselves.. to bcum to same as the others...
i want to go back to the time.. when i was a little kid... no worries.. no stress... stick with daddy and mummy always.. and be myself... i dont know how long i have been wearing a mask to face other ppl..
yea.. friends come n go... i agree... but i still think we will always be best friend... Hope so...
I'm TIRED.... Everyone.. please leave me alone...
p/s: Best friend is.. no matter how u had changed.. they will still treat u as usual and stay beside u always... but it's really hard to find.. no matter how long is yr frenship... ya.. we both changed...
Friday, January 23, 2009
Meaningful week....
17th of January 2009
Hehe... Went out with best fren today and our bf's. Her dad came to fetch us at subang jaya ktm n go to pyramid... Hmm... Her dad is the 1st elders who see my bf.. Kinda strange.. Haha... Oh ya, while on the way to Subang ktm, Mr Gan did a good thing.. haha.. i must praise him for this... We saw an arabian family(i think) and their daughters was so so cute... They're not affraid of strangers n let me hold them summor... Hehe... However, things start to change when the elder sister were given a box of sweets... the younger one began to cry because she doesn't have it... So, my kind dear dear gave her the ECLIPSE he just buy a few days ago to play... we thought that they'll give it back to us but unfortunately no... So, the whole box of sweets belong to her... Haha... But its ok la, as long as the cute little girl is happy.. hehe..
After reaching Sunway, we went for Sakae Sushi... spend about 50 bucks on our lunch... did some chit-chat while eating and i'm glad to see my bestie can communicate well with my bf... hehe... To be frank, the sushi there doesn't taste good... so i wont go there anymore unless there's no more choice... later on, went for a movie"Outlander".. quite nice and thanks to my "qing fu" miss Yvonne for introducing it to me.. Hehe...
Well... After movie.. here come my nervousness... I need to meet dear's fren!!!! I was so damn damn nervous la... the feeling is like meeting his parents... I dunno how i'll be when i met his parents... Thank god everything was fine and his fren was friendly and funny, In other words, oso crazy ppl like me... hehehe.... After shopping in the mall, we went for steamboat.. 23 bucks per person if i'm not mistaken.. His fren belanja cos is his fren's bday that day.. Happy birthday and thanks for treating me o... Hehe...
Hmm... After eating... Don wanna tell u guys wad happen.. only dear's gang and me know about it... Keep it as a secret o.. Anyway, i really enjoy that day.. Hope i can see u guys next time^^ Remember me ya...
my food and my dear.. Hehe...
Hehe... Went out with best fren today and our bf's. Her dad came to fetch us at subang jaya ktm n go to pyramid... Hmm... Her dad is the 1st elders who see my bf.. Kinda strange.. Haha... Oh ya, while on the way to Subang ktm, Mr Gan did a good thing.. haha.. i must praise him for this... We saw an arabian family(i think) and their daughters was so so cute... They're not affraid of strangers n let me hold them summor... Hehe... However, things start to change when the elder sister were given a box of sweets... the younger one began to cry because she doesn't have it... So, my kind dear dear gave her the ECLIPSE he just buy a few days ago to play... we thought that they'll give it back to us but unfortunately no... So, the whole box of sweets belong to her... Haha... But its ok la, as long as the cute little girl is happy.. hehe..
After reaching Sunway, we went for Sakae Sushi... spend about 50 bucks on our lunch... did some chit-chat while eating and i'm glad to see my bestie can communicate well with my bf... hehe... To be frank, the sushi there doesn't taste good... so i wont go there anymore unless there's no more choice... later on, went for a movie"Outlander".. quite nice and thanks to my "qing fu" miss Yvonne for introducing it to me.. Hehe...
Well... After movie.. here come my nervousness... I need to meet dear's fren!!!! I was so damn damn nervous la... the feeling is like meeting his parents... I dunno how i'll be when i met his parents... Thank god everything was fine and his fren was friendly and funny, In other words, oso crazy ppl like me... hehehe.... After shopping in the mall, we went for steamboat.. 23 bucks per person if i'm not mistaken.. His fren belanja cos is his fren's bday that day.. Happy birthday and thanks for treating me o... Hehe...
Hmm... After eating... Don wanna tell u guys wad happen.. only dear's gang and me know about it... Keep it as a secret o.. Anyway, i really enjoy that day.. Hope i can see u guys next time^^ Remember me ya...
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Terrible, Horrible, and vegetable day...
Today really sucks ppl... All the things dindn't go well since morning... Really a speechless day...
Firstly, it was the photostating stuff... My mom Shout at me and wake me up at 9.30 in the morning and bring me to the photostating shop... Den, i ask the boss how much for 1 book and when can i get it and watever disount bla bla bla... he told me that it's too rushing for him to complete it tomolo and when i ask for a discount, he say it is already very cheap... CHEAP?? 10 cents per sheet... CHEAP??? Hey, i'm going to photostate 11 Books from you and no discount at all?? Wtf... So, leave the shop angrily.. Sorry buddy, i think tat we have to get out book in college.. Really sorry o...
Secondly, went to RHB Bank at Giant klang to open an account and get an atm card.. The service there was so so so bad and poor... No one was waiting to open an account but i have waited 1 hour to open the account!! It's so irritating for me as i hate to wait for ppl!!! Mayb i should learn to be more patient next time...
Thirdly.. reload card... I called my bro to buy me HOTLINK rm 30 reload card but he accidently bought DIGI... Haiz... Wasted my Rm 30... But tat's still ok because i can give it to my mom and call her to buy me Hotlink's 1... Lucky me^^... Well, I hope CNY will come soon... Dunno y, i feel that i'm really sueh this week... Hopefully everything will be fine tomolo...
So everyone, think positively no matter how bad ur day are... If Worst come to worst, pls rmbr that u still have yr frens and ppl who concern bout you.. 你永远是幸福的。。。
Hey dear dear.. Thanks for supporting me and accompanying me all the time when i'm down... You never feel sien or unhappy when i release my stress on you... I just wanna say, Sorry and Thank you... I really appreciate you... Muackss Muackss Muackss...
Firstly, it was the photostating stuff... My mom Shout at me and wake me up at 9.30 in the morning and bring me to the photostating shop... Den, i ask the boss how much for 1 book and when can i get it and watever disount bla bla bla... he told me that it's too rushing for him to complete it tomolo and when i ask for a discount, he say it is already very cheap... CHEAP?? 10 cents per sheet... CHEAP??? Hey, i'm going to photostate 11 Books from you and no discount at all?? Wtf... So, leave the shop angrily.. Sorry buddy, i think tat we have to get out book in college.. Really sorry o...
Secondly, went to RHB Bank at Giant klang to open an account and get an atm card.. The service there was so so so bad and poor... No one was waiting to open an account but i have waited 1 hour to open the account!! It's so irritating for me as i hate to wait for ppl!!! Mayb i should learn to be more patient next time...
Thirdly.. reload card... I called my bro to buy me HOTLINK rm 30 reload card but he accidently bought DIGI... Haiz... Wasted my Rm 30... But tat's still ok because i can give it to my mom and call her to buy me Hotlink's 1... Lucky me^^... Well, I hope CNY will come soon... Dunno y, i feel that i'm really sueh this week... Hopefully everything will be fine tomolo...
So everyone, think positively no matter how bad ur day are... If Worst come to worst, pls rmbr that u still have yr frens and ppl who concern bout you.. 你永远是幸福的。。。

Friday, January 9, 2009
Long long week...
Haiz... Bad bad news... My laptop spoiled... this is like KILLING me.. I cant survive without my laptop!! Sob sob.. I wan my laptop back and hopefully it can work asap.. Well, without my laptop, i do nothing at room except sleeping.. I'm becoming a pig soon... So laptop, pls come back to me...
Started my 3rd semester this week... My timetable really sucks!!! I have only one class on FRIDAY that is 3-5pm... 3-5 people!! this is really a stupid thing!!! Is the ppl who plan the timetable are noob or wad?? This made me cant go home early... Hope that the time will change la.. Pray hard for it...

Many unhappy things happen recently and i hope all these things that's baring my life will leave me faster... Mayb the god wanted to punish me for something... But Cheers... no matter HOW life is, we still need to look forward for a better day..
Just read someone's blog ... Know that he's unhappy recently... feel worry for him... Cheer up my dear.. Things happen sometime unexpectedly so we just have to accept it whether u wan it or not.. Every cloud has a sliver lining... Happiness will come when all sad thing's gone...
I'll be with you forever... To get you through the day... No matter what happen... And make everyting ok.. I love you.. And i dont want to see u sad... So promise me, be happy and smile always ok? Muackss...
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